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МУБЫШЪ-ЖЫХЫШЪ :: IP (Краткий экскурс в толковый словарь Коллинза)
1) Pederasty or (sometimes) paederasty ['pede,r?sti] - homosexual relations between men and boys
[C17: from New Latin paederastia, from Greek, from pais boy + erastћs lover, from eran to love]opeder`asticor (sometimes)opaeder`astic

2) IP [ai'pi]- abbr. for Index of Pederasty

3) Index of Pederasty - a measure of the level of an individual inclination for sexual contact with men and boys obtained from specially designed tests. The indication quotient is traditionally derived by dividing an individual's mental age by the size and condition of his rectal sphincter and multiplying the result by 100. This terms was initially used by some frequenters of the gay.ru websites and later taken over by the so-called "slightly wrong teeny padonks" as a derogatory term to presumably infringe one's sexual orientation. Abbrev.: IP

(c) udaff.com    источник: http://udaff.com/read/creo/8586.html